Sunday 23 November 2014

The Truth Behind Leather

Whilst willing away insomnia induced idleness I came across a video on Gizmodo. It covers the process of making leather. It emphasises the environmental/health reasons about why we ought to purchase quality leather and conversely the implications of penny pinching on our leather goods. 

As blogger Casey Chan says "Leather is beautiful, luxurious and natural and one of the great materials of the world. However, it is absolutely gross to make." So, let this be a warning, the video linked below is not for the faint hearted, the vegan (there is no animal cruelty), nor those on time constraints (12 mins). 

Saturday 8 November 2014

Shoe Making Event

 'One Day Sandal Making Course'
Venue - Shiny 2 Gallery: 53 Ridge Street North Sydney. Time: 10am - 4pm

22nd November 2014 - full.
6th December 2014 - full
20th December 2014 - 3 seats available
10th January 2015 - 1 seat available

Cost: $220 includes a light lunch.

For more information or to register your interest in this unique course
please Contact me at